The Men's Room


They cost how much?!?

They cost how much?!?

  Don’t you hate shopping for refills of you favorite razor blades?  It always seems that as soon as you’ve purchased a pack, you have to go out for more!  Well, times are hard, and we are ALL looking for ways to stretch our money; so, here are a few tips on how to make those blades last [...]

Shaving 0

Put something on…sheesh!

Put something on…sheesh!

So I shaved a few guys recently none of whom have ever experienced a straight razor shave.  Prior to starting any shave, I generally ask a few questions about my clients shaving practices at home. During this discussion, I discovered that all of them mentioned they “dry shave”.  Simply put, they use their razor blade without the assistance of any lubricating agent – no water, shave cream, pre-shave [...]

Face, Shaving 2

Getting the last out of summer?…Know your SPF!

Getting the last out of summer?…Know your SPF!

Well summer is almost gone…sorry!  But, I know that many of you are trying to enjoy as much outdoor activity as possible before it begins to cool off.  So, not to be a total bearer of bad news, I decided to give a helping hand on how to enjoy the sun without getting cooked. SPF Calculated [...]

Shaving 0

Black Ice Shave Cream

Black Ice Shave Cream

Black Ice Shave Cream by The Gentlemens Refinery, is quickly becoming the “must shave”, in the lather shaving cream category.   I was introduced to this product by the owner and creator of The Gentlemens Refinery grooming line, Perry Gastis.  Perry, having worked as the Master Barber for the Art of Shaving and Executive Barber at Truefitt & Hill (North America),  I had to believe that [...]

Product of the Month, Shaving 0

Are Multi-Blade Razors A Gimmick?

Are Multi-Blade Razors A Gimmick?

Ever wonder just how many more blades can possibly go across your face before your razor will be considered a weapon? Well, we are up to 5 blades, the Gillette Fusion, or the lesser priced alternative M5 Magnum from Rite Aid drugstore. Both seem to be getting mixed results from my clients. Here is the [...]

Grooming Tools, Shaving 10

Cool the Burn

Cool the Burn

Well, it’s obvious that I have a great concern for men’s skin care.  To be more specific…how your skin feels after shaving.  Often my clients complain that their skin feels raw, or their face burns after they’ve shaved. Now, there are many reasons for this, (1) poor preparation (2) an old razor blade (3) or shaving against the grain.  [...]

Face, Product of the Month, Shaving 2

Recession Beard…

Recession Beard…

These days we are seeing more and more men with beards. A lot of it is due to the current economy. Either they aren’t working and figure it is a good time to finally grow that beard they’ve always wondered about, or they are seeing their barber on a less frequent basis. Just don’t forget [...]

Face, Shaving 1

The Art of Shaving…sold!

The Art of Shaving…sold!

Proctor & Gamble has purchased another staple in the men’s grooming industry, The Art of Shaving.  P & G having purchased Gillette in 2005, now has a significant share in the rapidly growing market of men’s grooming.  The founders of The Art of Shaving, Mr. Eric Malka and Ms. Myriam Zaoui, who created their first product in the [...]

News, Shaving 0

Shave my what!?!?

Shave my what!?!?

So Gillette, has launched a video campaign that shows you how and why to shave certain body parts.  The head, chest, back, armpits and…the groin area?!? This is a big leap for a “corporate” shaving company (the groin video that is).  But, research has shown that more and more women want men to shave um…down there! All the videos [...]

Face, Hair, Shaving 0

Razor Bumps…Problem Solved!

Razor Bumps…Problem Solved!

I have been using this product for about 2 years now. I firmly believe that this is the best treatment for ingrown hairs, razor bumps and irritation on the market today.  Why do I say this? Well, there are many products out there today that are designed to treat the problem of razor bumps (pseudo-folliculitis [...]

Face, Product of the Month, Shaving 2