The Men's Room




Hey guys! As promised a few weeks ago, I had an announcement to make and here it is! Please, take a look and give me your thoughts. I’m excited to share this journey with you all! [...]

Shaving 7

My Ingrown Hairs Keep Coming Back!

My Ingrown Hairs Keep Coming Back!

Ever gone through a long stretch of not having an ingrown hair, and then BAM!… 3 pop out of no where!?! Suddenly you’re left wondering, what you did wrong and when. Well, don’t be too disappointed because there’s a reason it will happen from time to time. Here’s why. Hair has three stages of growth and each strand of [...]

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Stop A Shaving Nick In Under A Minute!

Stop A Shaving Nick In Under A Minute!

Guys let’s face it, shaving nicks are the worst! No one likes them and they take away tons of time when you’re trying to head out the door, So here’s a trick I use whenever i’m in this very bad situation.   Items needed: Cube of ice (1); alum block / or stick; styptic powder Step [...]

How To's, Shaving 0

Shaving: Your Face Is “Sensitive”

Shaving: Your Face Is “Sensitive”

I wrote an article several years ago about men visiting the barbershop and claiming that their face was sensitive after they shaved. After a little investigating, I learned that many of them dry shaved or simply didn’t take the time to care for their faces. Since then, I’m happy to say that many of these men have stopped complaining, and have actually [...]

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Itchy Beard? Not A Problem.

Itchy Beard? Not A Problem.

A new beard doesn’t come without a price… All you beard growers know what I’m talking about: the new beard itch! How many of you remember those long days of trying to ignore how itchy your face felt in the beginning? Well, it’s safe to say that if you want to grow a beard you’ll get this itch, [...]

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Smooth it out!

Smooth it out!

Have you ever had a difficult time taming those little hairs in your beard or mustache that are always determined to keep your facial hair from looking its neatest? Many of my clients often struggle with this… Well, here’s a barber trick that I learned a long time ago, that can help you in-between appointments to the barbershop! I [...]

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Summer = (shaves + haircuts) x 2

Summer = (shaves + haircuts) x 2

Does that equation make any sense? Well maybe not to you, but your body understands… You see, during the summer months the human body has to work faster and harder to help the body cool down. This leads to faster cell division due to more efficient blood circulation throughout the body, which, among other things, causes [...]

Hair, Shaving 0

Two Shaving Tools. One Face!

Two Shaving Tools. One Face!

An irritation free shave in every area of your face is nothing more than a fantasy for most guys. Why? Because not everyone has an “easy beard”. For most of us, shaving the face is pretty easy to master. But the neck can be a real nuisance! I get an overwhelming number of emails from [...]

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1-ON-1 Grooming Call

1-ON-1 Grooming Call

With the success of my Face Shape Reporting (FSR for short..) service, I saw more and more need to follow this service up with a stand-alone personal 1-ON-1 Call. So many recipients of my FSR realized that once they mastered the best hair and beard-style for their face they wanted more. Emails started pouring in!  Shaving, skincare and [...]

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Tips From A Barber: What To Look For In Your Razor

Tips From A Barber: What To Look For In Your Razor

One thing (of many) that I love about my job is that I get to talk to and share advice with so many of you. A common question I am always asked is, “How can I get a better shave?” For many of us, our beards cover over 50% of our faces, so it’s an [...]

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