The Men's Room

Learn The Ideal Facial Hair Styles For Your Face

Facial Hair Styles

With the New Year just around the corner (can you believe it? I can’t!), now is a good time to think about a fresh new look for 2017. A great place to start is with your facial hair. Today  we have a guest blogger  who is sharing everything you need to know about facial hair styles, including how to find the best facial hair specifically suited to your face!

Guest Writer: Lilly Sheperd

Just as men can buy different jean styles or a certain type of leather jacket, men can also style their facial hair. There are many different types of facial hair styles men can consider when it comes to their overall look. By altering the hair on the face, men can play up or avoid a number of different features on their face. By knowing and examining your facial structure and purchasing a good razor, any man can successfully pull off a number of different facial hair styles. 

The square face type has a lot of options when it comes to experimenting with different facial hair styles. The light, all over beard is one of the most popular. Having hair all over (but not too much of it) helps to minimize the boxy face shape, and look more masculine and tough. The key here is clipping the hair very close to the face, so you still look clean, but just have a slight layer of scruff. This look can be achieved by growing the facial hair out for a few weeks, and then use clippers to shorten it close to the skin. Some men like to do this style and keep it a little thicker around the chin and mouth area. This style is sleek, while also providing an effortless look and appearance. Not to mention, once you’ve grown the hair out and trimmed it down, this look really doesn’t take a lot of effort to maintain.

Rectangular or long faces also look good with a little extra hair. If you have this particular face shape, a beard is a great way to balance out your features. This also creates the appearance that your face is more oval than it actually is, which is an excellent feature.

The Five O’Clock Shadow is a difficult look to pull off, but those who do can look extremely cool. This distinguished look can appear effortless and sexy when done right. Longer, oval faces pull this look off very well. However, attention needs to be paid when working on the five o’clock shadow look. Some try to pull it off and can just look sloppy or like it is there by mistake.

Round faces need to use facial hair styles to show off more masculinity. Shaving hair on the jaw and neckline is an excellent style to use. However, when working to bring out your masculine features, it is important to maintain the look and keep the rest of your skin smooth. You’ve got to grow your facial hair out, while continuously shaving your chin and neck. This can be a slightly awkward look in the beginning. Sometimes it’s better to use a barber to get started, and then go from there.

Facial hair is an excellent feature to make the most of your looks. While knowing the proper structure of your face is important, the key in successfully pulling off new facial hair styles definitely comes down to the razor. The sharpest, most effective razors will do the best job. So throw those disposables away, because styled facial hair is a definite way to look and feel your best.

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Author bio

This is a guest post by Lilly Sheperd, a freelance writer, mainly interested in fashion and beauty related articles. Nowadays writing on behalf The Art of Shaving, a company that offers various type of razors.



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