The Men's Room

Razor Burn RepairWell, it’s obvious that I have a great concern for men’s skin care.  To be more specific…how your skin feels after shaving.  Often my clients complain that their skin feels raw, or their face burns after they’ve shaved.

Now, there are many reasons for this, (1) poor preparation (2) an old razor blade (3) or shaving against the grain.  Of course, there are are many other reasons, however, these are generally the most common.

So, with a little hint of  peppermint (and other amazing ingredients), here is a great solution, to cool that burn!

Razor Burn Repair – by Anthony Logistics

Packed with:

Marshmallow (Root) – Medically used for skin burns, muscle aches, and inflammations of the skin. 

Chamomile – Used (in skincare) for various skin problems, such as skin rashes.  Also promotes cell regeneration (for faster healing).

St. Johns Wort – Used by doctors as a balm for burns, wounds and insect bites.

Followed by ginseng, vitamins A, C and E to nourish and protect the skin.

You know, shaving is a process that we all take for granted, and we don’t realize that sliding a blade across our faces, not only removes hair, but also removes a layer of skin.  So with this in mind we must find a way to soothe and help our face heal, so it can handle the shaving rigors again, tomorrow.

If this is a problem that you commonly deal with, then this is a must try.  Give it a shot and let me know what you think!

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  1. Anthony Sosnick July 17, 2009 at 11:16 am

    Great info on your site….!!

    • Craig the Barber July 19, 2009 at 8:15 pm

      Anthony, I am a big fan of your products, your endorsement of my site is greatly appreciated!

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