The Men's Room

Does Shaving Make Your Skin Darker?

A good shave can reveal a lot. A clean face, the shape of your jaw… and for some darkened skin. If you have noticed darker skin on your face from shaving it isn’t just the lighting… it is indeed a “real thing” that may actually be happening to you!

Let’s start with WHY it’s happening:

The aggressive nature of shaving, whether it’s with a razor or an electric shaver, can cause skin discoloration. The rubbing or scraping action of the blades can cause minor cuts to the skin, causing “hyper-pigmentation“, which is the skin’s way of replacing color to the damaged area.

Here are 3 helpful tips to rid your face of frustrating skin darkening from shaving:

  1. PREP WELL –  Whether it’s a wet-shave or an electric shave, make sure you follow the necessary steps to prepare the skin for shaving. This will reduce any nicks that may result. (See Article: Shaving 101).
  2. AVOID SHAVING AGAINST-THE-GRAIN – This practice can not only cause irritation, but in some cases nicks to the skin, which result in the hair being pulled and snagged instead of cut.
  3. AVOID USING PRODUCTS THAT CONTAINS ALCOHOL – Alcohol can dry, harden and even darken the skin. Stick with aftershave balms that do not contain the ingredient alcohol.

Hyper-pigmentation, has been a personal struggle for me as well as for many of my readers and clients. So, I made sure to tackle this issue as one of the concerns the Moisturizing Shave Cream addresses. Being the first shave cream to do so by adding the natural ingredient benefits of – Avocado, Lemon Peel & Geranium Oil. 

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